Rowe was quoted as saying later: "I'd never seen Michael so happy and that's what made it so wonderful for me."

So wonderful, in fact, that months later, Rowe was artificially impregnated again. She recalls: "Of course it was artificial insemination. Paris was conceived in Paris, that's how she got her name. Michael wanted to call her Princess, but I thought that was stupid."

Paris Katherine Jackson was born on April 3, 1998, and this time, Jackson later claimed, he simply wrapped the baby in a towel and fled.

Incredibly, it is not the memory of the bloodied newborn being torn from her arms which moves Rowe to tears now - but the sudden admission that she couldn't bear Jackson any more children.

She bursts into tears and, sobbing loudly, says: "I had so many problems when I was pregnant with Paris. After that I couldn't have any more children. Michael was upset about that, he couldn't understand it. He wanted more babies."

Rowe, it appeared, had served her physical use and was simply put out to pasture. She filed for divorce six months later - accepting a pay-off worth £4.2million over nine years, in return for giving up her custodial rights to the children.

The original divorce settlement allowed her one visit every 45 days, though she later applied to the court herself to terminate her parental rights altogether, claiming it was in the children's best interests. Was she coerced? In the Alice in Wonderland world of Michael Jackson, we will probably never know.

He went on to 'sire' a third child - Prince Michael II, known as Blanket - by an unnamed surrogate.

Meanwhile, Rowe claims their relationship remained 'fine'.

She adds defiantly: "It always has been. Michael and I have always got on. I only divorced him because I wanted my life back. I couldn't cope with the constant pressure of fame. He's the genius, the famous one. Not me. I turned out two good-looking kids, but I can't sing, I can't dance."

Despite their divorce after a truly dysfunctional marriage, she still shows a surprising loyalty to the singer: when Jackson was accused of molesting a young boy three years ago, Rowe told the court he was a loving and caring father.

Under cross-examination, she admitted that she had not seen her ex-husband - or her own children - for some years, which rather undermines her claim to me that she still sees them regularly.

Jackson was cleared of sexual abuse, but moved with the children to the Middle East and then Ireland.

In 2006, Rowe took him to court, petitioning for her parental rights to be restored - despite her previous insistence that they should be withheld - and complaining that Jackson had stopped paying her. He claimed she had breached their confidentiality agreement - but a new settlement was reached in secret.

Meanwhile, Rowe was apparently finding her 'celebrity' - or 'notoriety' - hard to come to terms with.

"I used to be an extrovert, but my marriage made me introverted. I was followed everywhere. I hated the fame. After I married Michael, it was hard to keep working. Staff at the clinic sold stories about me to the media. People were offered a million dollars for a picture of me pregnant. I even told my family to sell one; I thought they could do with the money. But they refused."

After her divorce, Rowe continued to live in the Beverly Hills mansion which Jackson gave her as part of their settlement, and studied at an online university to gain degrees in criminal law and psychology.

"I wanted to work in a prison," she explains. "I thought I could help because you can't mess up someone who is already in jail. In the end I loved horses more and I wanted to get away from LA. I was trailed everywhere by the paparazzi."

Three years ago, Rowe sold up and moved to a three-bedroom ranch-style house in Palmdale, an ugly, rundown desert town 60 miles from LA.

Here, in the heat and solitude, Rowe appears to have found some peace. She takes a deep breath and says: "Out here in the fresh air I feel much better. No one knows me here. I don't talk to anyone. I just get on with my life breeding horses. As soon as I saw this place I fell in love with it - for the land. I'm up at 6am with the animals and we have the most extraordinary sunrises.

"I have a boyfriend. He's a murder cop, we've dated on and off for 30 years. Until now, our timing was always out."


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