Paris and Prince Michael in Las Vegas earlier this week
She is unhappy, however, that the children's faces have been revealed.

"The veils were my idea, not Michael's. I had kidnap threats when they were babies. I did not want them to be recognised. I'm not happy they've been photographed without the veils."

Rowe, 49, is equally quick to dispel rumours that she has fallen out with her ex-husband, from whom she was divorced eight years ago, or is once more desperate for money. She says: "I don't need money. Michael and I are fine. I see him and the kids all the time. They live in Las Vegas now, just a three-hour drive away."

Given the fact that she admitted during Jackson's child molestation court case in 2005 that she hadn't seen him or the children for years, this claim seems unlikely - like so much else in her extraordinary story.

The adopted daughter of a millionaire couple from Malibu, Debbie Rowe became part of Jackson's bizarre menagerie some 11 years ago. His marriage to Elvis's daughter Lisa Marie Presley was crumbling, while Jackson's desire to become a father was growing.

Rowe was a late developer both sexually and emotionally - she was 30 before she had her first serious relationship. She says of that romance: "I loved him so much. He was my first serious boyfriend - and it still hurts."

By the Nineties, Rowe was recovering from the break-up and working as a nurse for Michael Jackson's dermatologist, Dr Arnold Klein. She befriended Jackson and - like a schoolgirl with a crush - offered to bear him children when he spoke about his longing to be a father.

Incredibly, some kind of agreement was struck, and in early 1996 she was artificially inseminated, possibly through IVF, though she refuses to talk about the details. Whether it was with Jackson's sperm or an anonymous donor's - more likely given the light-coloured skin of the children she produced - Rowe is not saying.

The couple married at the Sheraton Hotel in Sydney, Australia, in November 1996, when Rowe was six months pregnant with their son. The bride was 37, Jackson 38, and the best man was an eight-year-old boy (a friend, of course, of the groom).

Their marriage was consummated with a peck on the cheek from Jackson, who retired - without her - to another room. There's no evidence to suggest the couple ever had normal sexual relations.

The newly-weds returned to LA, but never lived as husband and wife. In February 1997, Rowe gave birth to their son, Prince Michael Jackson. The baby spent several hours in special care before Jackson rushed him to his Neverland Ranch, where a team of nannies stood waiting.


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